Thursday, July 17, 2008

Some More Stats

The numbers are as follows: (and please remember that these are for $200+ contributions only)


Total Contributions from Northern Virginia: $16,068.00 or 42.85%
Total Contributions from the 6th District: $20,384.00 or 54.35%
Other Total (From Goochland, Charlottesville and Richmond areas): $1,050.00 or 2.8%

Since 41.14% of total contributions from inside Virginia were from one zip code (24064), I decided to investigate. $13,300 or 35.46% of all contributions came from people who's last names were Rasoul within this zip code. That is 65.25% of all the contributions from the 6th district.

The higher concentrations, excepting the zip code previously mentioned, were from 22310 in Alexandria at 17.11%, and 20171 in Herndon at 9.33%.


Total Contributions from Northern Virginia: $21,450.00 or 6.42%
Total Contributions from the 6th District: $286,820.00 or 85.78%
Other Total (From Richmond/Charlottesville Areas): $26,100.00 or 7.81%None of the names on the Goodlatte list were the same as his, however that is not to say that his family did not donate to his campaign. The higher concentrations of donations were from 24014 in Roanoke at 11.84%, 24018 in Roanoke at 9.91% and 24503 in Lynchburg at 10.44%.


Anonymous said...

Having gone over the names of Sam's contributors, I noticed his father had given him $500.00 in 12/07 and $2,300.00 two month later
(not sure of dates) Is this legal?
I thought no contribution could exceed $2,300.00. Please advise.

d keller

Donna Moss said...

Thats what I thought too, however if you go over Goodlatte's #s you see the same thing. Goodlatte did end up refunding alot of folks as well here and there. I am utterly confused about the law. By all means, though, if you want the spreadsheet to peruse, let me know.