Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Raw Statistics

*Note: These numbers do not include statistics for the less than $200 contributions, which account for approx. $87,436 or 45.9% of total contributions from the Rasoul Campaign, and (a very large number which I havent the mental strength to figure out) from the Goodlatte Campaign.
**Also note I am not seperating out 6th district contributions from the rest of VA.

Sam Rasoul:

Out of VA Total: $58,684.00 or 57%
Inside VA Total: $37,702.00 or 36.6%
Candidate Total: $6,565.00 or 6.4%
Total Contributed Above $200.00 (since inception of reports to FEC): $102,951.00

Robert Goodlatte

Out of VA Total: $37,400.00 or 10.2%
Inside VA Total: $331,120.00 or 89.8%
Total Contributed Avoce $200.00 (since 2007): $369,020.00
-I decided to find out what percentage outside of Virginia the DC contributions made.
Total Amount from DC: $9,150.00 or 24.5% of total out of VA

I have taken all of the data from the FEC website, as it stood, and created an Excel spreadsheet detailing location and contribution amount. If anyone would like a copy, please email me, and I will be glad to forward it on.

Please notice that I am not politically analyzing these numbers. That is for the person with the ancronyms after their name to think about.

Stay tuned tomorrow for a full statistical analysis of the numbers by zip code! Exciting!

1 comment:

Donna Moss said... by the way.