Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hate mail.

Quick note... when writing/creating/sending hate mail, please keep in mind to do so while using correct grammar (TT) and knowing how to utilize the interface... I'm lookin' at you, Keller. Thanks.

I am sorry for the way Ms. Allen's parents died. But, many people die this way, and it is no more or less tragic than thousands of other deaths. The term tragic, when it relates to death, usually means that the death was preventable or otherwise incidental (i.e. Africans in Darfur and Kenya being hacked to death with machetes or a new born dying in an airplane crash).

Sam's campaign cash is regrettable. The truth is, there's no money on the list from important Democrats in the districts (case in point, Mr. Garstang over at cobalt6 and Mr. Deeds going to Richmond-but can't become attorney general...). This is why Democrats in the district are in the doghouse with the state party and the DCCC-by now wouldn't you think the DCCC would have some adviser, some form of financial support, set up? Yeah... but the local Democrats aren't doing enough. Look at the red to blue page on the DCCC website. No mention of Rasoul. No mention of my beloved district. Why? Because of Truth-Teller, the-writing-challenged, and his/her groupies of fat, blog-writing, pedantic, white, middle-class, wannabe, hopelessly lost, careless, feckless, pseudo-polymath, pseudo-intellectual, troglodytes.

I don't mean to be so harsh to the heart land (yes I do), but get it through your heads: There will literally be no Democratic Party if Allen continues to receive support and the Democrats choose to ignore her.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you are right, but I maintain that the death of Janice Lee Allen's mom was absolutely a tragedy in her world along with many others.

In your Disclaimer/Welcome, you describe your blogging as an "alter-ego". Hmmmm, alter, doubtful, ego, absolutely.

Where does one purchase a sheath for the tongue that is as sharp as yours? I'm just kidding. I think you're great. Democrats for Janice Lee Allen will probably make you an honorary member.

By the way, that picture of the hand squeezing the lemon, was that you dripping that juice into someone's open wound?

You've got me hooked.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, you've got a dictionary! Good for you.

Anonymous said...

You're back to the money list, the one from early May, before Rasoul was the nominee? This is boring, old, irrlevant news. I'll be more interested in the next set of reports, after the folks who had to remain neutral before began to open their wallets.

I still wish you'd explain why you want to do Sam harm. Unless you work for Goodlatte, of course, which is the only thing that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

No one's asking me, but I think this is Rick Howell...

Coincidence that RH Speaks no longer updates? This one pops up? I think not!

Anonymous said...

You may be right. Lemon does seem to have some kind of grudge against 6th Dist. Dems. Both Howell and Adam Sharp would fit the profile of a failed campaign staffer who is bitter enough to write this garbage, and both were more than willing to play dirty as Lemon seems to be. I think it's jealousy.