Friday, August 1, 2008


Mmm... a few things have happened this week.

Let’s see. Democrats in the sixth district have lost their privileges. Your keys to the executive washroom, the Toyotas, and upholding the liberal principle that have been a true cornerstone to this Party since 1947 when we lost the dixiecrats... all of them are gone. Garstang has made you reproachable. Honestly what are you thinking, allowing a person to compare anyone to terrorists? And now he's saying he didnt say what we all saw he said?

In politics there are things you try really hard not to do unless you’re making a good, through, well thought out point. You don’t compare people to communists, fascists, Nazis, extremists, or terrorists. This is one of those senseless things that happen in a campaign that costs serious issues for a number of years to come.

This is a macaca moment. It’s an idiot moment.

When a major political party is running an election, one of three people is supposed to take over the actions of the party in the district: The leader of the committee, the campaign manager, or the candidate. This is why Phil Gramm was silenced. That’s why surrogates are so tightly controlled with talking points. As a member of the committee Cliff Garstang has a responsibility to the Party and to the people in the Party. He has shown that the half-truths that Republicans tell about Democrats are at times founded. Garstang showed that he does not know what a terrorist is. He has shown that his is immature and that he has fallen prey to the lowest form of political commentary. He has become a knuckle-dragging plebeian.

Our times demand higher political discourse. The Democrats should be spending time responding to real issues. Point in case, the Roanoke Valley Republicans recent post about Sam Rasoul as not being a viable candidate. As I had been saying, he isn’t drawing the monetary support that he should be getting and now his staff is turning over like a pig on a spit (its summer, you’ve gotta have a bbq reference).

The point here is to beat Bob Goodlatte; not to prove to the 6th district that Democrats are incapable of defending their interests and goals and rising above petty ideas.

This just makes me sick. Not from my home district, not from my home party. Kick him from the party before this becomes something worse.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to end up on Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World.

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